Please fill out the following form to be considered for an appointment. NOTE: ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED IN ORDER TO SUBMIT THE FORM. Please select all boards and/or commissions you are interested in serving on. Housing and Redevelopment CommissionLibrary Board of TrusteesMental Illness BoardMuseum BoardPlanning CommissionPublic Advocate Advisory BoardPublic Defender Advisory BoardWeed and Pest Board Full Name: Cell Phone: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Email: Occupation: Employer: Employer Email Address: Employer Phone: 1. Are you a resident of Minnehaha County? YesNo 2. Why do you want to serve on a board? 3. List previous civic and voluntary memberships and responsibilities; and/or background and interests relating to the board: 4. Personal references the Commission may contact: Contact 1: Name: Email: Phone Number: Contact 2: Name: Email: Phone Number: 5. Please add a resume here if you wish to submit one along with your application. (PDF, DOC, DOCX) 2MB Max. 6. In applying for appointment, I understand the County Commission may make inquiries in the community pertinent to my appointment. I understand that this application does not guarantee an appointment to a board, but I am willing to serve if called upon. Signature: Date: Do not hit the submit button twice. Please allow time for form to submit.